5.0 out of 5 stars A Touching Tragedy

First off- I completely disagree that this book is any sort of pulp fiction. This was one of the best books I have ever read, and I have read many. The two most influental characters in the book, Elizabeth and Pip, take a while for a relationship to grow, but that makes it more realistic than having them start off into a relationship right at the beginning.

One of the greatest things about this book was Pip. She was a strong character in the beginning, but because of a rape by an egomaniac who also rapes his beautiful stepsister, the strength that Pip was haloed with dissolves, and the reality of her ruin and damage because of this horrible act become tragic and poignant throughout the novel. Her ruin gets in the way of her relationship with Elizabeth, and Pip’s need to find and escape leaves her abandoning the one she loves and disappearing for 8 years.

A beautiful ending and laughs throughout grant this novel with something very few authors are able to give to their work, especially when dealing with complex personalities and tragedies.

Megan – from Amazon.com